MTV Networks’ Xfire Empowers PC Game Players To Quickly and Easily
Find Friends and Chat Online
HellGate: London is the First Title Release to Include Xfire’s In-Game
Voice Chat Capabilities
Xfire, eight million users strong and a division of Viacom Inc.’s (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B) MTV Networks, today announced the inclusion of their proprietary voice chat functionality in Flagship Studios’ highly anticipated upcoming PC title, HellGate: London. Using Xfire’s peer-to-peer communication system, gamers have the ability to chat with fellow gamers without needing to manage a standalone voice server. Additionally, online game players will be able to log in to Xfire from within HellGate: London, enabling them to easily add their friends and other HellGate: London gamers into an Xfire voice chat room where they can chat as they play. Xfire supports more than 800 of the most popular games worldwide.
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